If you find yourself in a room so dark that you cannot see the boundaries of the space you inhabit, it is quite easy to be fooled into thinking that the space is in-fact one of vast proportions.
If that same room then becomes lit, but only ever so dimly and is revealed as the eye strains to make it out, to be a very small space, then it begins to feel cramped and unforgivably restrictive.
If you then light that space again with a large quantity of natural light it will begin to feel much larger and to express some of the infinite values of true darkness.
Strangely, natural light, like the darkness, reveals hidden qualities in a space that play with our means of perception, depth of field, even emotion. Light brings new qualities to even very small spaces, which enable them to become more connected with their surroundings and in turn more free of them, in fact freed by them!...
...but interestingly only natural light allows these qualities to take place!
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